Monday, January 27, 2014

To Macklemore and Ryan Lewis...THANK YOU!!!

Everyone is talking about the Grammy's last night.  From Taylor Swifts GIFtable moments (head banging?), Pharrell's hat (channeling Smokey the Bear) Paul McCartney and Ringo.....but I stayed up to watch Macklemore and Ryan Lewis perform Same Love with Mary Lambert, Queen Latifah and Madonna.

I have loved Macklemore since 2011 when I heard "My Oh My".  His rhymes are smooth and important.  He has something to say.  Not the typical cars, money, girls, drugs that is around rap.  But he talks about REAL LIFE.

So when Same Love came out, I had chills.  This song, this video, every live performance, I tear up.  Not only believe I have a strong belief in Gay rights and Gay marriage, but because I believe in Love.  And when Mary Lambert starts singing the line "I'm not crying on Sunday", I lose it.  This is personal for her.  As a catholic and as a lesbian, she found herself in a situation where she was not accepted by her religion, but she wanted to be.

But this performance takes the cake!  During the performance, Queen Latifah actually married 34 couples.  And get this, they were straight, gay, different religions, was about LOVE.  lets celebrate LOVE!!

I dare you to watch this without crying.

But to be honest, I thought it could have been better without Madonna.  Mary Lambert can sing circles around her!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Salary for a Stay At Home Mom

I am consistently seeing these articles about what a salary for a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) would be if we got paid.  At first, I was like "Right on!!!", but after some thought, I am realizing that this is just another way that mom's can feel good about being a SAHM.

Those of us who are lucky enough to be able to stay home (yes, I said LUCKY), should realize that yes, it is a job, but (in my humble opinion), we should not feel like we should martyr ourselves because we sacrifice so much of our lives for our families.  We are Mom's.  THAT is our job.

Here is an image that I got from Cafe Mom that explains the "salary" of a SAHM:

Ok, lets break this down.  I have a 4 year old and an 17 month old.  

Facilities Manager:  Hmmm....I would have to split that with the hubby, so not the 10.8 hours that this pic claims, more like 4.

CEO:  Again, split with the hubby.  We both run household chores and daily happenings.

Laundry Operator:  Ok...I will take the full amount on that one!  Yes, the hubby will help when it gets really backed up or if he needs something washed for a business trip, but as far as every day laundry, putting away and hand washing delicates, I end up doing 95 % of it.

Computer Operator:  Besides my randomness here and my check in on my favorite sites while having my morning coffee, all computer operations and anything teckie (hello, entertainment system) is all on Hubby.

Housekeeper:  Yes, yes and yes again.  HOWEVER, I do not spend 14+ hours cleaning on my own.  If I did, I would not be a happy mom and my kids would be watching TV all day long.  I will say about 8-9 hours of cleaning per week when the hubby helps.

Cook:  I am FOR SURE the cook of the house.  BUT....I don't think cooks get paid $13.56 an hour to make plain pasta or heat up some mac and cheese.  And to give out carrots.  I do cook a good meal for the hubby and I at least 4 times a week. But, I will go with this one.

Daycare Teacher:  I used to run a small daycare out of my home.  And when I did that, I would totally understand these numbers (in fact, it was an under-paying job) but now, just as a mom, I feel like this is fair.  I do wish I did more learning exercises with my kiddos.

Van driver:  This is a total yes.  

Janitor...I totally get.  Just last night I had to wake up at 2 in the morning to clean vomit from the carpet, and also change some sheets.  Plus, don't get me started on the dog.  But, I would put this in the same catagory as housekeeper.

Psychologist:  Does this count when I am the one who needs a shrink?

So, in the end, I think it is a little much.  But again, I have some pretty easy kiddos, schedule is not full of sports practices, plays or dance recitals yet.  And I am lucky enough to have a husband who helps out when he is home.

I guess I am tired of everyone saying "Being a SAHM is so HARD!".  I agree.  But I will also venture out to say that being a working mom is even more difficult.  But that is me.  I know Mom's who could never stay home and tell me I am so brave.  If they live a day in my shoes, they may realize that YES, it is a thankless job most of the time, but I don't think it is as hard as everyone says.

Well, maybe you should ask me that when the girls are going through puberty.  Then I may want to work in a field where there is a LOT of travel!