Dear 22 year old Katie*,
I am writing this letter to let you know that everything turns out ok. In fact, life is amazing. Your children love you, your husband adores you and you have finally found your purpose. But you may need reassurance at times.
Some advice to you:
-Don't worry about the drama. In the grand scheme of things, it is nothing. And you will learn to laugh at it.
- Don't listen to what everyone has to say is best for you. Follow your heart. You know better than everyone.
- You have a good heart and you are probably aware that people take advantage of your kindness. Karma does exist. You will find that kindness always wins out.
- You are beautiful, no matter what your size. Trust.
- Your husband finds you beautiful, no matter what your size (and he has seen you at every again!)
- Family is everything. They will be there for you through it all. They love you unconditionally. As long as you are happy, they are happy. Keep them close
- When you start getting overwhelmed with your duties as a Mom and Wife, remember, you are always Katie first and Mom/Wife second.
- Be you. Always. Unless you can be a Unicorn. The be the Unicorn. (Trust me, it will make sense later).
-Friendship is truly measured once you become a Mom. is quality, not quantity.
And finally...
-You ARE doing a fantastic job!
*I wanted to write this letter to my younger self to remind myself today that I have come a long way. I had a lot of self doubt in my 20's. I wanted to follow my heart in everything I did, but it did not make my life easy. Now, I get to enjoy the "fruits of my labor", so to speak. I have the life I always wanted. Even though some days are tougher then others, I am so happy with the now. I love my Husband dearly. I love my children dearly.
I am blessed.